A Glimpse of Subreddit Groups Buy Canadian and Buy American

A Glimpse of the Subreddit Groups Buy Canadian and Buy American

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Reddit groups are becoming more and more popular. The online forum’s pseudonymity lets people vent, share information and find solace.  Here are two subreddits concerning buy Canadian and buy American.  Check them out to see what real people are saying.

Buy Canadian (349K members since 2018)


Come on in and share your favorite hidden gems, major Canadian chains, and local goodies. Help fellow Canadians find Canadian alternatives to imported goods—and maybe discover something new yourself! This subreddit is about supporting Canadian businesses, not boycotting U.S. products or debating politics. We’re here to highlight what Canada has to offer, not to argue about trade wars or nationalism. Check out our sidebar and guidelines to learn more.

Buy American (644 members since 2013)


Dedicated to American made goods and products.




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