
Ready, Set, Let’s Export!

Welcome to our new exporting blog!  Here we will bring you insights and key learnings from my book, “Exporting: The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably.” As we progress, be sure to jump in from time to time to ask a question, make a comment, share an experience, rant, rave or just say “hey” because we want this platform to be a playground where we have fun together and learn as we grow. One point I want to emphasize at…
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How An Export Business Is Born

Getting started
Imagine someone named Abel Anderson who is working in the automotive industry while running a food-export business. In the evenings and weekends, he goes to food fairs. Although he works full time in the automotive industry, his real passion is food. He’s always seeking novel food items to try. At one local trade show that Abel attends in Chicago, he falls in love with a specialty item that tastes like cheesecake, caramel, chocolate, and butter crumbs all rolled into one…
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How An Export Service Business Is Born

Getting started, Service export
Envision offering your local marketing service, which is booming in North America, to someone in the United Kingdom. Let’s imagine that someone names Katie Schroeder does just that. She runs a successful Chicago-based public relations company called Take It Viral, or TIV, representing some of the most popular big-name consumer brands in the United States. TIV has received numerous accolades for its creative social media campaigns using Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google+. As a result of media fanfare, a business…
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What’s the Purpose of An Export Business Plan?

Business plan, Getting started
Our friends over at bPlans are running a terrific series on how to create an export business plan with all of the material extracted from “Exporting:  The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably.”  Here’s a clip and be sure to keep close tabs on the next installment! Purpose of an Export Business Plan There are four main purposes for the export business plan that you will write. The first is that it will serve as a guide during the initial stages of your export…
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The Future of Selling: The E-Commerce Revolution

If you want a symbol of how technology is transforming the way we conduct business worldwide, look no further than e-commerce, which refers to buying and selling on the Internet. It’s easy to forget that as short as fifteen years ago, buying books or shoes online seemed novel. Not anymore. The new digital reality is upon us. Is there anything you can’t buy online almost anywhere? The driving force behind e-commerce growth is the proliferation of tablets and smart phones,…
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A Short Course on Alibaba

China, E-commerce
Jack Ma, Founder and Chairman of Alibaba. With Alibaba’s highly anticipated US IPO, it makes prudent sense to familiarize yourself with the company. This article provides a short course on China-based Alibaba. Founded in 1999, ( is a group of twenty-five business units that allows anyone located anywhere in the world to buy or sell online. Alibaba has come to dominate Internet retailing in China, with the goal of becoming the biggest e-commerce market in the world. According to…
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7 Ways to Launch Your Service Export

Service export
When you set out to enter a market with your service export, you will face four critical questions: How are you going to get a foot in the door? How are you going to get noticed by prospective customers? How are you going to keep your foothold once you’re there? And how are you going to do it all inexpensively? Here are some ideas that may help you answer all four questions: 1.  Create new working relationships. It may take…
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America’s Top Five Export-Trading Markets

Best export markets
Here’s a look at the exporting facts related to America’s top five export trading markets year to date through July 2013 (latest available) according to the United States Census Bureau.[i] All numbers shown are in billions of dollars and reflect exports from the United States to a specific country. The data are for goods only. 1.  Canada More than $366.4 billion worth of US goods were traded with Canada (pictured) year to date July 2013, and the total exports from…
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3 Ways to Build Brand Recognition through the International Marketing Plan

Branding, Marketing,
The international marketing plan should be strategic in nature and executed in a consistent manner. The goal is to get more customers from around the world to export to and to increase your business’s profits. Here’s how a plan might look. (Note:  I am providing three points out of ten that are mentioned in my book. If you want the full ten, you must read my book.)  Keep in mind how the four Cs of social media (content, conversation, community, and…
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Ten Reasons To Go Global

Benefits, Globalization
By Laurel J. Delaney Successful small businesses are figuring out how to master the transition from being a local company to global. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, more than 70 percent of the world’s purchasing power is located outside of the United States. That’s why many businesses are jumping on the global bandwagon – to capitalize on the potential of tremendous growth. Here are ten reasons to do so. 1. Increase sales and profitability. Going global can provide…
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Corporate Considerations: How to Set Up Your Export Enterprise

Corporate considerations, Getting started, Legal
There are five basic forms of organization in which you can set up your export enterprise: the sole proprietorship, the partnership, the C corporation, subchapter S corporation, and Limited Liability Company (LLC). Each form has specific advantages and liabilities. To decide which form will serve you best, ask yourself the following questions: How big do I aspire for the company to become? Am I willing to risk my personal assets for the business? Am I willing to grow my business…
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How to Create a Functional Team For Your Export Business

Human side
How do you find great people to get on your export bus? How can you make sure they remain happy and motivated? Let’s find out. The first big characteristic to look for in people destined to do international work is their ability to be comfortable and confident in their own skin, along with a heightened sensitivity to others. After that, focus on integrity: can you trust them? To assess a person’s integrity requires frequent dealings over time. You can’t rush…
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How to Protect a Trademark and Domain Name, Globally

Corporate considerations, Legal
Protecting a trademark in the United States—whether it’s your own company name, a product, or your supplier’s product name—is a very complicated procedure best handled by a very competent attorney. In this article, I talk about how to protect a trademark and domain name, globally. When you are considering adopting a trademark, you or your attorney must perform a search to see if anyone is using that mark on a similar product or service. If you discover that someone has…
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How to Develop a World-Class Team For Your Export Business

Human side
Now that you’ve seen how to create a functional team for your export business, let’s take a look at what roles need to be filled as you grow your export business. Success in exporting is directly related to a companywide commitment. That commitment is the responsibility of you alone if you are a sole proprietor, or in the case of a larger enterprise, of the executive committee as well as the heads of finance, operations, sales and marketing, legal, logistics,…
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5 Best Apps In Town

Mobile world
Here are five apps that enhance my global small business and help me focus on achieving results faster. Many of them are free. Some have fees or carry a monthly subscription, so be sure to check before installing. All are available for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Blackberry devices. 1.  Skype: ( This app allows you to talk for free with anyone, anywhere in the world! Who can resist? If you can’t use Skype Mobile, Skype to Go numbers are also…
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Factors To Consider When Pricing For Service Exports

Pricing, Service export
Selling a service export successfully requires even more people power than does product sales. Pricing a service, such as one that is professional, technical, financial, or franchise or insurance oriented, entails a somewhat-different approach because a service requires direct interaction with your customer, not just initially but for the duration of the service contract. And for some services, the quality of your interaction with your customer is exactly what they’re paying for. Whether pricing a product or a service for…
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Blog Exuberance: Brand Yourself Everywhere

Online fundamentals, , , Uncategorized
Anyone can create a blog. Building a successful blog, on the other hand, requires hard work. Yet it’s worth every ounce of effort because, when used correctly, this low or no-cost communication vehicle can do many powerful things including: positioning you as an expert or thought leader in your industry; helping you market your products or services globally; allowing to test your ideas to see if they have wings; bringing your web presence to life; helping potential clients worldwide find…
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Are You Making International Customers a Priority?

Customers, Getting started
When local (domestic) business picks up, do you ignore overseas calls or emails requesting quotes, asking for assistance or wanting to place an order? How are you attending to existing international customers? Do you respond promptly to their inquiries or initiate a point of contact on your own to check in on how they are doing? If you are baffled as to how you are responding to these questions, read on to find out why it is important to make international…
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Season’s Readings From Laurel Delaney

If you are going to snuggle up by a fireplace with a cup of spiced eggnog and a few good business books this holiday season, check out these six excellent reads that will teach you how to conquer the world. 1.  The Box by Marc Levinson ( Why is this book so important? Publishers Weekly sums it up: “Levinson, an economist, “treats containerization not as shipping news, but as a development that has sweeping consequences for workers and consumers all around…
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An interview with Baybars Altuntas by Laurel Delaney

5 Best Going Global Articles

Soar to new heights with your business by going global. These popular articles on going global – from signals to going global, to reasons to going global, to tips on going global – are absolute must-reads.  If you are not already kicking your business up a notch into the global stratosphere, these posts are guaranteed to encourage and inspire you to do so now! 8 Signs It’s Time to Global There are many signals that can trigger your need to prepare to…
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The Future of Retailing: No Middleman Required

China, Customers, E-commerce, Methods of Exporting
Remember the telex machine and how important it once was for communicating efficiently with people worldwide? Then the fax machine came into play. Next was email and now Skype.  When I look at these advancements, I am stunned and, at the same time, ecstatic because they are so cool.  Recently, I’ve been studying other brisk developments online, such as the explosive growth of e-commerce.  When I gaze into the crystal ball of e-retailing, here’s what I see:  We will be…
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When to Hire; When to Outsource

How do you decide when to hire employees and when to hire contractors? Positions formerly reserved for in-house employees, such as those of a web developer, a designer, or a HR specialist, can often be done faster and more effectively with qualified remote contractors. If the following conditions don’t apply, it might be good to use a contract worker to fill a position: Do you need a person to do the work every day? Do you have funding to support…
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What Do Local Buyers Expect When Visiting Your Booth at a Trade Show?

Marketing, Trade Shows (Exhibitions)
Exhibiting at or attending a trade show in your industry is a uniquely effective way to contact cross-border customers, especially if you have a difficult product to sell or if it is a type that a customer needs to actually see. Here we talk about what to expect when you exhibit at a trade show and how to woo international customers. When visitors stop by your booth, they want answers to their questions immediately, not months later after you have returned home and…
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Most Commonly Used Mobile Payment Methods in USA

Finance, Mobile world
Most US companies offer credit card payment options online because they offer the capability to conduct business throughout the world. Among the credit cards accepted are American Express, VISA, Mastercard, and Discover. All of these work for online transactions, provided the banking system within the country accepts them and they are secure. Many credit card companies charge anywhere from a 1.95 to 3.5 percent service fee on the total transaction price. If a country does not accept a particular credit…
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Aligning Your Company For Global Success

Globalization, Success tips
How should executives think about aligning their companies’ capabilities behind exporting and global expansion? Here’s what it takes for an organization, big or small, to go global or expand further. 1. Get a companywide commitment. That companywide commitment involves you alone if you are a sole proprietor, or in the case of a large corporation, the executive committee, finance, operations, marketing and sales, logistics, research, technology and culture. Once you recognize the resources available to you and what it takes…
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Case Study: Give Customers Worldwide What They Want

Adaptation, Customers
Many business owners believe it is only packaging that has to be adapted in the overseas marketplace. That’s a mistake. Adapting your product to meet the needs of an overseas market is a considerable undertaking and will likely require a substantial investment of time and money. __________________________________________________________________ Case study: One of my past clients manufactured a very successful premium ice cream. Supermarkets throughout the United States could barely keep the decadent treat in their freezers because the demand was so…
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How To Achieve Exceptional Export Customer Service

Customers, Service export
“Bring it down to a much more fundamental human motive.  Don’t stick to the brain.  Stick to the heart.” — Mohan Sawhney, McCormick Foundation Chair of Technology, Clinical Professor of Marketing, Director of the Center for Research in Technology & Innovation To achieve exceptional export service, you must plan for it and then act on it. Consider the following two tips as part of your “commonsense blueprint” when developing your own in-house set of principles for great customer service. Communicate With Your Customer…
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Export Start-Up: Get Your Team Jazzed For Growth

Human side, Start-up
In “How to Develop a World-Class Team For Your Business” I talk about what roles need to be filled as you grow your export business and how to create a functional team. In this article, I cover the basics on what each member on your team should be doing, how often and what questions should be addressed to ensure everyone is on the same page.  The goal is to get your team jazzed to power your firm’s export growth. In…
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10 FAQs About International Trade

International trade (facts)
In this post, I cover frequently asked questions (FAQs) about international trade. 1. How much overseas business do U.S. small businesses do globally each year? Recent Commerce Department data shows U.S. businesses exported $2.35 trillion of goods and services in 2014, hitting a record high for the fifth straight year. U.S. goods exports increased 2.7 percent to a record $1.64 trillion in 2014 (Sources: and According to The Hill, “While many think trade is the domain of big…
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What to Look for in Your Relationship with the Manufacturer

Manufacturers, Outsourcing
To ensure a good fit between you, in your capacity as exporter, and a domestic manufacturer with a product you want to sell globally, here are some things you should watch for: Good chemistry between you and your key contact (you can usually tell right away), and preferably with all of the top management as well. This helps ensure a companywide commitment to the export program. Detailed product information Impressive packaging, quality, convenience and price A company environment that is…
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Issues Confronting Women Business Owners Who Currently Export or Plan to Export

Women who export
In early 2012, the State Department’s Bureau of International Information Programs asked me to write an article called “Women Entrepreneurs Energize Economies.” In it, I talk about my experience in starting and running a global business. The key point I make not only applies to starting a business but also to exporting: “To gain self-confidence and overcome inhibiting social attitudes, women need to network continuously, support each other, look for role models, update their knowledge and skills as well as…
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Pricing Your Export Product: How to Plan and Manage Customs Duties

Planning and managing customs duties plays an important role in pricing your export product so that it is profitable. First, pay attention to how your product is classified (if you have my book, Chapter 19 covers how to find out how to determine your product classification), because that classification will affect what duties are imposed and thus make or break your chances of exporting it at a profit. Be sure to get your classification in writing from transportation and logistics…
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Web Globalization: 10 Service Providers to Help You Get Started

Web globalization (translation)
Why the meteoric rise of the importance of web translation?  Because the majority of the world’s population does not speak English.  Where do you turn for help?  There are a couple of places to look for external guidance in getting started with web globalization efforts. I caution you to work with a firm that has a proven history of success in adapting Web sites for international markets (Get references!) and understands the key roles that database-driven Web sites and dynamic…
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Plan and Build a Web Site That Taps a Global Audience

Marketing, Mobile world, Online fundamentals, Uncategorized
While a Web site is but a part of your efforts online, it is still the most important one for e-commerce. First and foremost, your Web site should be inviting and reader friendly. When developing your Web site with exporting in mind, here are a couple of quick pointers that should make the build-out process a lot easier: 1.  Keep content current, accurate, and relevant. There is nothing worse than visiting a site and seeing out-of-date content or links that…
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What are some of the key things no one tells you about exporting?

Question of the day
Question of the day:  What are some of the key things no one tells you about exporting? Laurel Delaney:  It’s best to start with a clear strategy on how to export. You must identify products and services that can be profitably exported and know how to use the Internet to facilitate all aspects of exporting, especially marketing. There is a different system of doing things in each new market. Don’t assume you know the culture. Understand how you will get…
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The Advantages of Direct Exporting

Methods of Exporting
Direct exporting means you export directly to a customer interested in buying your product. You are responsible for handling the logistics of shipment and for collecting payment. The advantages of this method are: Your potential profits are greater because you have eliminated intermediaries. You have a greater degree of control over all aspects of the transaction. You know who your customers are. Your customers know who you are. They feel more secure in doing business directly with you. Your business…
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The Growing Scope of E-Commerce

There are more than 7 billion potential customers in the world, and 2.4 billion of them are online. How many of those customers is your company reaching outside your own borders? Let’s say your international sales last month included three products sold through Zazzle, one through Amazon, five through eBay, five at CafePress, and four on your own Web site by way of a shopping cart adapted for Facebook. Do you think you’ve captured enough sales? Hardly. Sure, you generated…
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Internationalization and Localization Services: What’s the Difference?

Web globalization (translation)
According to Globalization Partners, internationalization involves “enabling the back end of a website to handle different languages, character sets, currencies, submit form data, site search capabilities, etc., and entails understanding what database and content management systems you are using to author, store and publish your site’s content.” Localization, on the other hand, involves “translating and localizing the front end of your website into different languages ensuring all content (text and graphics) is translated in an accurate and culturally correct manner.”[i]…
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Study Abroad: A Cheat Sheet to Finding Customers Anywhere

Thanks to technology, small business owners can instantaneously find customers halfway around the world. But where to start? Visit The United States Commercial Service (, which can provide world-class market research, promote your product or service to qualified buyers at trade events, make introductions to qualified buyers and distributors and counsel you through every step of the export process. In most cases, there’s no charge. Ask your state officials for free assistance. In Illinois, the Department of Commerce and Economic…
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What To Know Before Your Website Goes Global

Web globalization (translation)
Got a website? Good start. But when dealing with global customers, you have to take a giant step further. According to the Internet World Stats, Internet users who do not speak English now outnumber the Internet users who do speak English. Constructing a successful global website – one that users can navigate effortlessly — is a must. John Yunker, President of Ashland, Oregon-based Byte Level Research, says language is only your first concern. “People often assume the most challenging aspect…
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Enough About TPP! Oh, How About More?

Trade agreements
All the chatter about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement leaves a lot of business owners scratching their heads and wondering, “what’s in it for me?”  Let me get right to the point:  plenty! In case you don’t follow my writings at the Import and Export or the Global Small Business Blog sites, I want to make sure you caught the interview I conducted with Karen Kerrigan, president and CEO of Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council (SBE Council).  She recently participated in the White…
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Kick Your Business Up a Notch Through Exports (Webinar)

Getting started, Webinars, Women who export
For those eager to start out the new year with a global footprint, join Laurel on a webinar she is giving Wednesday, January 6th at 11:00 a.m. Central (FREE) on Getting Started in Exporting – Ready Your Business For Growth Here’s a sampling of what you will learn: What you need to do to get your business export ready How to craft a back-of-the napkin export business plan How to create a social media and networking presence How to market…
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Grow Your Export Business

Getting started, Human side, Trade agreements
I want to make sure you caught three important resources to help you grow your export business: 1.  WEGG webinar on Getting Started in Exporting:  Ready Your Business For Growth.  I talk about what you need to get your business export-ready, how to craft a back of the napkin export plan and how to market your business worldwide.  View the webinar here (requires a two-second registration).  This is the first in monthly series on exporting.  For future webinars, visit:  Note:  I…
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New and Noteworthy: Webinar 2/3 on Financing Your International Business

Finance, Webinars, Women who export
Women Entrepreneurs GROW Global (WEGG) is hosting a captivating webinar (no charge) presented by Kati Suominen on “Financing Your International Business:  Plan Early and Smart” — Wednesday, February 3rd at 10:00 a.m. Central time.  Kati is Founder and CEO of both Nextrade Group, LLC (, a research firm on trade and digitization, and TradeUp Capital Fund (, a digital financing platform for globalizing, export-driven companies. She is also Adjunct Professor at UCLA Anderson School of Management, and Adjunct Fellow at the…
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Exporting: The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably

I am happy to report that I am in the process of updating my book, “Exporting:  The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably,” with a completion date of July 1st, which means the 2nd edition will be ready well in advance of the Global Small Business Forum 2016!  The goal is to give all attendees a copy at the forum.  Here’s what I am working on: Data and citation updates. Updates on actual and prospective trade agreements (especially TPP and TTIP developments),…
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Growing People Globally

Human side
Let’s face it.  There’s a huge reservoir of talent available worldwide, but how do you align the right talent with the work that needs to be done?  That’s the million-dollar question.  While updating my book, “Exporting:  The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably,” I realize it’s no easy task to get the right people with the right capabilities to do what needs to be done at the right times at a company. Despite the vast amount of workers, there’s still…
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Company to Watch: Ally Commerce

In case you missed it, UPS invested a minority stake in a tech startup, Ally Commerce, that allows brand manufacturers to set up websites and sell directly to consumer, by-passing the middlemen.  The Atlanta-based startup just happens to be headquartered in the same city as UPS’s headquarters. Ally is multi-channel, including marketplaces and your own branded website. We are a true turnkey solution. Our services include web design, marketing, pricing, customer service / sales support, warehousing, inventory and order management, fulfillment, and…
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Benefits to Exporting Are Clear But Can You Do It From Home?

Corporate considerations, Getting started
With technology, anything is possible in terms of conducting business with anyone in the world provided they have an Internet connection.  In the following two articles, I talk about drawbacks to consider when you operate an import or export business out of your home.  These are just some things to think about.  Not everyone has these issues but as long as you are aware of them and go into establishing your business with your eyes wide open, that’s what matters. I’m…
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BRICS Not As Usual | Strategy Expired? | What is Globalization Becoming?

Globalization, Strategy, Success tips
Articles that will get you thinking outside of the box. It’s No More BRICS as Usual An important lesson here is that firms will have to accelerate their transition from being merely “good enough” to becoming truly world-class. Try it on for size: Has Your Strategy’s Shelf Life Expired? An important lesson here is that when you’ve outgrown your target customer, you have to stretch every element of your strategy — namely, your target market, value proposition, and capabilities…
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Good Intentions Go Wrong? |Cross-cultural Understanding | Africa Will Peak

Country specific, Cultural, Webinars
Articles, webinars and resources to get you thinking outside the box and moving in a direction to expand your business internationally. When Good Intentions Go Wrong in the Global Marketplace (article) An important lesson here is whether you are working on a product name, translating an ad campaign or managing exports for a global company, be sure to study the potential market, plan carefully and thoughtfully, and go in with the attitude that anything can happen but prepare yourself as best…
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LA Times Aims For Global | Cash App Abra Expands |Non-Payment of Advertising Dues

Apps, E-commerce, Globalization
How the LA Times Aims to Go Global (article) An important lesson here is even though the LA Times has long cycled in the past year between different approaches to grow, they are adopting a new strategy:  To add new international entertainment content on top of the Times’ existing coverage. Try it on for size: Global Expansion is Next Act for Bitcoin Cash App Abra (article) An important lesson here is how to leverage the testing of a product to make sure that…
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7 Exporting Takeaways | Global Expansion Challenges | Be Mine in the Digital World

Digital, Expansion, Exporting
What’s challenging SME exporters?  Why do companies go global?  Why are non-digital companies becoming serial acquirers of digital properties?  Read on and you will discover. 7 Exporting Takeaways from the 2016 Small Business Exporting Survey The Small Business Exporters Association (SBEA) has recently released its 2016 Small Business Exporting Survey. The survey, conducted February 22 to March 14, 2016, compiled feedback from 530 small-business owners, 58 percent of whom had some experience in selling merchandise or services to customers outside…
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Work Your Website | Tina Sharkey Enters E-Commerce | Apple Pay Goes Global

E-commerce, Finance, Mobile world, Uncategorized, Web globalization (translation)
Today’s post features how to grab, keep and churn out global customers one at a time; how iVillage co-founder Tina Sharkey is secretly 🙂 starting a new e-commerce site called Dhosi; and, how Apple Pay is going global. Work Your Website:  7 Tips for Converting Visitors into Global Buyers Is there really a secret to grabbing, keeping and churning out customers one at a time on your website?  Well there’s not one little secret but in the article below, I…
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2nd Edition Almost Ready | SME Online Growth | E-Commerce Highway

Books, E-commerce, Research
Get Ready to Read the Best Exporting Book on the Planet The 2nd edition to my Exporting book is almost ready.  I’m finishing the last of the updates this week.  Every Sunday from noon until 6:00 p.m. since January 3rd I have added and updated: Data and citations. Actual and prospective trade agreements (especially TPP and TTIP developments), new CFR and EAR rules, and export controls. Specialist interviewees in Chapter 30 (we have got some great new contributions). Articles that I…
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Brexit Implications | Challenges of Going Global |Smart Strategies

Globalization, Trade agreements
Brexit Implications for SMEs:  The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Who are the biggest winners and losers with Brexit? Guiddant Financial CEO and co-founder of David Nilssen shares his perspective. Read more:  Brexit Implications for SMEs:  The Good, the Bad and the Ugly The Challenges of Going Global Going global is often the only way for successful companies to keep growing, says leadership expert Steve Tappin.  For some, it’s a matter of survival. Read more:  The challenges of going global…
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World’s Best Global Small Business Forum Held in Chicago 10/21!

Books, Event, Exporting
Join us for the world’s best Global Small Business Forum 2016 held in Chicago on Friday, October 21st from 7:30 a.m. — 4:30 p.m. Central time at 70 West Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois. And here’s a snapshot of who plans to participate as moderators, panelists and speakers ( Richard Paullin, Executive Director, International Trade Association of Greater Chicago; Chairman, IL District Export Council Kati Suominen, Founder and CEO, Nextrade Group, LLC Marc Schulman, President, Eli’s Cheesecake Company Mary Safie, President…
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An interview with Baybars Altuntas by Laurel Delaney

To Keep Growing, You Must Go Global

Globalization, Strategy
Many business owners start out with global ambitions and say, “I’ve got to win in Brazil.  I’ve got to win in Africa.  I’ve got to win in China.” At least, Jeff Immelt, chief executive of US giant General Electric (GE) feels that way.  Despite challenges, going global is often the only way for successful companies — big or small — to keep growing. Read more:  The challenges of going global Note:  Register for the world’s BEST Global Small Business Forum held…
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Worldly Readers: Stretch Your Mind and Open Your Heart

Exporting, Finance, importing, Negotiating
I want to make sure you caught all of these newly published articles I wrote over over at what has now become The Balance (an brand): 7 Etiquette Rules for Importers and Exporters Learn how to better communicate with people from other cultures, including people in your own country. The Art of Negotiating Deals Abroad In this feature, I offer everything you need to know about global deals, barriers to achieving them and how to negotiate a deal abroad.…
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Latest Opportunity for Cross-Border Business: The World of Retail Exports

Country specific, E-commerce
India with its rich craft tradition of handmade customized products created by artful and skilled artisans is in a perfect position to take advantage of the trend in cross-border business. Small-value retail exports will be a great employment producer and value creator but the extent of dollars earned and employment created would be determined by the extent to which the country can ensure fast and inexpensive shipments.  Here’s a typical example. Tina, a housewife, just got an order for supply…
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Small Businesses That Export Sell More and Grow Bigger

Expansion, Exporting
Exporting offers many benefits to entrepreneurs, small businesses and the local economy. Small businesses that export to foreign markets sell more, grow bigger, support more jobs, and pay higher wages than small businesses that don’t export. That is why the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) focuses on three areas to help small business grow their business through exporting. The SBA State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) SBA International Trade Loan Guarantee Program Local Export Outreach Team Learn more here:  SBA connects small…
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Are You On Track With the Right Global Marketing Message?

Adaptation, Advertising, Branding, Digital,
Blunders in the global marketplace are mistakes that everyone makes on occasion. After all, we’re only human. Below I provide an example of a firm that tried to use the same print advertisement campaign for its product internationally that it used at home, and it didn’t work. Even though it’s understandable, especially if you are operating with a limited budget, this tactic is still often unrealistic. On the other side, I’ll provide two examples of firms who got it right…
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Create An Environment Where People Will Flourish

Cultural, Exporting, Human side, Leadership
The following is an edited excerpt from Exporting:  The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably (2nd edition; Apress 2016; ©Laurel Delaney). __________ Jim Collins has it right. No matter what brilliant idea or well-organized plan you have in place for exporting, the basic and most important side of your enterprise is still the human side. It starts with getting the right people on your export bus. Whether you hire employees with full benefits and perks or independent contractors, you want excellent people…
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Most Popular Posts of 2016 on Exporting Guide

Benefits, Getting started, Human side, Logistics, Start-up
Here’s a look at our most popular posts in 2016.  All I can say is get your GLOBAL MOJO in 2017!  Back with you in the new year.  Join me for a webinar I am giving over at WEGG on 1/4/17 on “Laurel Delaney’s Global Trade Trends Report 2017.” It’s no charge but you must register to attend.  Thanks for your readership and interest in going global.  Look forward to connecting again soon. Create An Environment Where People Will Flourish Company…
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We Love Marlin Steel For Their Explosive Export Growth

Oh if there is one thing that makes us very, very happy, it’s when business owners benefit from our work.  Drew Greenblatt, President of Marlin Steel, and one of the contributors in Exporting:  The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably, Chapter 30, Export Success, Tweeted the following: Exporting: The Definitive Guide brilliant book – field manual on how to grow #export sales @MarlinSteel @Apress — Drew Greenblatt (@steelwire) February 2, 2017 A big shout-out and thank you to Drew!…
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How Do You Get More Customers Worldwide to Conduct Business With?

Customers, Digital, Marketing, Mobile world
Whenever I give talks to eager entrepreneurs and business owners who want to do business with the world, I am almost always asked:  How can I get customers worldwide to find me?  It starts with crafting a solid international online marketing plan – one that is strategic in nature and executed in a consistent manner. Here’s the scenario:  Hundreds, if not thousands, of companies might make a strikingly similar product to yours, so how or why, for example, would a customer…
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Some Gems Worth Knowing About and Related to China

Country specific
What can we expect in China in 2017?  McKinsey & Co. offers some good insights and trends here. I’m a big fan of Bill Bishop and The Sinocism China Newsletter.  Check it out here and you will understand why I like it. Very thorough. And Dan Harris always gets my praise for his China Law Blog.  You would be living under a rock if you didn’t know about it. Incredibly useful information is shared relative to any business you plan to conduct…
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Resources for Cultivating Cultural Awareness

Books, Cultural, Negotiating
You don’t need to go far off the beaten path to acquire the information you need to jump-start your cultural learning. Here are a few tips that will lead the way for you. Start with your bank. Many big international banks, HSBC for example (, offer country guides right on their site. Universities also offer a rich, in-depth pool of resources covering cross-cultural country insights. A good example: Michigan State University’s globalEDGE: Then start searching for what you are…
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10 Sources for Finding and Comparing International Degree Programs

So you are almost done with college and contemplating whether to get a real job, teach, start a business, or continue your education? I vote for continuing your education, especially if there is nothing out there that turns you on.  Alternatively, you could start a business but continuing your education might better prepare you for taking your startup global and navigating the ups and downs that come with growing it. Meanwhile, as you reflect, here are ten (10) sources — some more…
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How to Harness Global Mobile Business Opportunities

Books, Mobile world
The following is an excerpt from: Exporting: The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably. Harnessing Mobile Business Opportunities by Laurel J. Delaney For many people, checking the Internet has quickly become a habit, like brushing your teeth, making your bed, or combing your hair. As the world is revolutionized by the availability of more low-cost tablets and smart phones, the Internet will serve as the CCV—chief communication vehicle—for billions of people. How will mobile technology affect small businesses? For any company offering…
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11 Places to Look for International Exporting Help

Education, Exporting, International trade (facts), Readiness, Research
In my Exporting:  The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably, I list a plethora of resources to help you grow your business across borders.  Here are a few additional resources and tools offered by organizations to provide advice and insight as well as statistics on international exporting. 1.  Foreign Trade Produced by the US Census Bureau, Foreign Trade ( is responsible for issuing regulations governing the reporting of all export shipments from the United States. It is the official source for US…
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4 Ways to Achieve New Growth in Rapidly Developing Economies

Expansion, Strategy, Success tips
by Laurel Delaney, Founder and President of GlobeTrade ( There is very little doubt that the rapidly developing economies, such as Latin America, China and India, are well on their way to becoming the most important growth markets of the future. Much of this growth is due to the fast development of the Internet and mobile technologies. Here are four ways to tap into this gold mine of a market. 1. Develop new applications for existing products that can be offered…
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How to Sell a Product You Import at a Profit

By Laurel Delaney Importing for the first time is no walk in the park. We know that for a fact because I cover potential problems in “Eight Tips for New Importers.” But the biggest mistake importers make is this: How to sell the product you import at a profit? Here I provide solutions to that nagging question. Let me paint the scenario: You find a terrific supplier located in a part of the world where goods flow in and out…
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Summer Reading to Get You Thinking About Going Global

Books, Globalization
I don’t know about you but I actually do a lot more reading during the summer months than the winter.  There’s something  wondrous about kicking back with a good book at the beach as you listen to the subtle sounds of summer fun in the background. So instead of reading a book this week, I decided to cull my own list of must-read books for those who have an interest, as I do, in globalization. After all, summer is the season to broaden…
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How to Reboot Your Business For Success

Success tips
It’s time to reflect on all the things you did or didn’t do thus far in 2017.  What else should you be considering to take your business to the next level before the end of the year? Here are a couple of ideas, a checklist if you will, on how to reboot your business for success before the year ends. Listen to customers and determine what they really want to buy from you. That means catching curve balls – ideas…
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9 Unexpected Reasons to Take Your Business Global

Benefits, Exporting, Globalization
9 Unexpected Reasons to Take Your Business Global by Laurel J. Delaney One of the biggest questions I get from small business owners is this: “Why should I take my business global?” What follows are nine unexpected reasons. 1. You can generate greater revenue for less effort. Sure it takes a long time to seal a deal internationally, but once you do, the revenues are typically far greater than on a domestic deal. For example, let’s say you market gluten-free…
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27 Affordable Social Media Tools for Savvy Global Marketers

27 Affordable Social Media Tools for Savvy Global Marketers by Laurel J. Delaney Savvy global marketers know that to get and maintain customers worldwide you must keep talking with them, and what better way to do that than by using social media tools? Here are 27 ways to harness the power of affordable social media tools and take the conversation to a whole new level of growth for your business. Connecting 1. LinkedIn ( — strengthens and extends your existing…
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Here’s What Five Successful Entrepreneurs Have to Say About the Future of Business in 2018

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digital, Technology, Trends
Here’s what five successful entrepreneurs have to say about the future of business in 2018.  1. Tim Ferriss, Entrepreneur and author, Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World “When most of your competitors are cutting costs, laying off employees, slashing salaries and removing niceties from the customer experience, you can do some of the opposite — assuming you’ve been smart with cash flow — and differentiate easily. Look at Steve Wynn and Southwest Airlines crisis responses for…
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4 Ways to Achieve New Growth in Swiftly Developing Countries

Best export markets, Expansion
by Laurel Delaney, President of There is very little doubt that the swiftly developing economies, such as Latin America, China and India, are well on their way to becoming the most important growth markets of the future. Much of this growth is due to the fast development of the Internet and mobile technologies. Here are four ways to tap into this gold mine of a market. 1. Develop new applications for existing products that can be offered to new…
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6 Answers to FAQs about Importing and Exporting

Exporting, importing
6 Answers to FAQs about Importing and Exporting by Laurel J. Delaney, President of Can I import motor vehicles?  Do I need an export license?  Where do I start with an import-export business? These are just a few of the questions I receive on a weekly basis from readers all over the world.  It’s impossible to address all of my readers’ questions–believe me I try!–but here are answers to a few of them. Can I import a motor vehicle?…
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The Importance of Scaling a Small Business for Global Growth

Globalization, Scaling for global growth
As UPS’s marketing director for small businesses, Jeremy Melis has his finger on the pulse of the global small business market. So you can imagine my excitement to connect with Jeremy to find out what he thinks are the latest trends in the small business sector, what scaling a business means and how technology has played a role in enabling small businesses and service providers to grow globally–fast. Laurel Delaney: What is your role at UPS? How long have you…
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Laurel Delaney Interviews PayPal’s Melissa O’Malley

Digital, E-commerce, Finance, Globalization
This interview was originally published July 2015. If someone were to ask you to name the top markets for ecommerce, U.S. and China would probably come to mind. But what if you were asked about the next big players? That question and a couple of others were posed to Melissa O’Malley (pictured), PayPal’s back then director of global merchant and cross-border trade initiatives in July 2015 (an interview worth repeating). She’s currently PayPal’s Director, Global Initiatives and Communications. Here’s what…
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Why aren't more companies exporting?

Why Aren’t More Companies Exporting?

Benefits, Exporting
Exporting Incentives by Laurel J. Delaney In celebration of a 20-year anniversary to writing my first exporting book, “Start & Run a Profitable Exporting Business,” I’ll be sharing excerpts from that book here over the coming months. This part still rings true from the standpoint of challenging why aren’t more companies exporting?  Below I outline a few reasons.  Read on … Why aren’t more companies exporting? Is it because they’re short-sighted? Is it because they’re lazy? Is it because they…
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Do You Have What It Takes to Go Global?

Are You Ready To Take On the World? The Twelve Keys to the Global Mindset by Laurel J. Delaney In celebration of a 20-year anniversary to writing my first exporting book, “Start & Run a Profitable Exporting Business,” I’ll be sharing excerpts from that book here over the coming months. This chapter still rings true because it covers the essential characteristics you need to do well in the international marketplace.  Do you have what it takes to global?  Read on … When…
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The Pros and Cons to Forming a Cross-Border Alliance

Cross-border alliance, Strategic alliance
The Pros and Cons to Forming a Cross-Border Alliance by Laurel J. Delaney In celebration of a 20-year anniversary to writing my first exporting book, “Start & Run a Profitable Exporting Business,” I’ll be sharing excerpts from that book here over the coming months. This chapter will allow you to gauge your readiness — or willingness — to take the on the world as one-half of a partnership.  Read on … For several weeks during my first year of solo exporting,…
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Where Should Global Marketers Look for Partners?

Strategic alliance
Where Should Global Marketers Look for Partners? by Laurel J. Delaney In celebration of a 20-year anniversary to writing my first exporting book, “Start & Run a Profitable Exporting Business,” I’ll be sharing excerpts from that book here over the coming months. This post helps you think about how to look for strategic partners.  Oftentimes, they are right in front of you. Read on … You might be surprised to find that you can build mutually advantageous alliances with some unlikely…
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Line Up the Charter Members of Your Export Dream Team

Line Up the Charter Members of Your Export Dream Team

Exporting, Finance, Logistics
Line Up the Charter Members of Your Export Dream Team by Laurel J. Delaney In celebration of a 20-year anniversary to writing my first exporting book, “Start & Run a Profitable Exporting Business,” I’ll be sharing excerpts from that book here over the coming months. This post helps you line up your export dream team. Read on … One of the first things you should do before officially setting up your export business is to find yourself a good lawyer, a knowledgeable…
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What sells in Japan: a quick course

What Sells in Japan: A Quick Course

Country specific, Customers, Exporting, Marketing
What Sells in Japan: A Quick Course by Laurel J. Delaney In celebration of a 20-year anniversary to writing my first exporting book, “Start & Run a Profitable Exporting Business,” I’ll be sharing excerpts from that book here over the coming months. This post provides eight common denominators of successful products imported into Japan.  Read on … Sheer determination and superhuman patience will get you to the Japanese border, but it will take a unique product and smart marketing to get…
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Are You Ready to Export?

Are You Ready to Export?

Exporting, Getting started
Are You Ready to Export? by Laurel J. Delaney Anyone who wants to export, can. The world awaits. The essential element needed to be successful exporting is readiness. The rest is mechanics and know-how. Whether you’re a first-time exporter or entering a new market, selling goods and services across borders is easy and just a mouse click away. I’m here to show you how. But before I get to that, let me take you back to a little more than…
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15 Places to Look for Global Trade Help

Education, Exporting, Getting started, importing, Readiness
15 Places to Look for Global Trade Help by Laurel J. Delaney You can never have too many resources to help you expand your business internationally. Here are 15 places to get all the help you need with global trade. 1. Exporting Guide Exporting Guide equips you with the knowledge you need to market, sell, and fulfill orders internationally, taking full advantage of the Internet and the opportunities it creates. The website also also imparts a can-do spirit on…
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How an Export Product Business Is Born

Expansion, Exporting, Getting started
How an Export Product Business Is Born by Laurel J. Delaney This is a repeat post because many people over the past couple of weeks have emailed me asking “how do I get started with an export business?”  Here’s an example of how the journey to exporting or launching an export business begins. Imagine someone named Abel Anderson who is working in the automotive industry while running a food-export business. In the evenings and weekends, he goes to food fairs. Although…
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Creating a Functional World-Class Team

Creating a Functional World-Class Team

Cultural, Human side, Leadership, Start-up
The following article has been adapted from “Exporting: The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably,” by Laurel J. Delaney. No matter what brilliant idea or well-organized plan you have in place for exporting, the basic and most important side of your enterprise is still the human side. It starts with getting the right people on your export bus. So, how do you find great people to, as Good to Great author Jim Collins would say, get on your export bus?…
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web design with the world in mind by Laurel Delaney

Web Design With the World in Mind

Globalization, Web globalization (translation)
Why the meteoric rise of the importance of web translation? Because the majority of the world’s population does not speak English. In fact, less than a third of the current Internet user base speaks English as a global language. If English is your language, as it is mine, you’re out of luck if trying to make, as Byte Level Research co-founder John Yunker puts it, “a good first impression” on the vast majority of international people. Globalizing your Web site…
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Everything we do is to help our customers compete more effectively and win in their marketplace

Help Your Customers Compete More Effectively and Win in the Global Marketplace

The customer service mentality should permeate your entire organization. What is your commitment to customers? Does everybody in the company understand this commitment inside and out? Do you provide exemplary service? Friendly service? Accessible service? The service goal of online retailer Zappos is “Delivering happiness.” Define yours and carry through on it every step of the way. Ask yourself these questions to frame it: What is our customer service plan (what do we stand for)? Why is it important? Who…
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How to choose a name for your global business

How to Choose the Right Name for Your Global Business

Even the best products and ideas won’t sell if a company’s name is poorly chosen. There’s a lot to consider in a name, especially one that may be operating in multiple countries. Is your potential name inoffensive everywhere you’re planning to do business? Take some time to research how your intended company name translates into the official languages of at least your five most likely markets. Obviously, the more translation checks you do, the more comfortable and confident you will…
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Do your research. Become an insider. Exporting Guide.

Do Your Research. Become an Insider.

Exporting, Human side, Methods of Exporting, Women who export
When I wrote my book, “Exporting:  The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad,” I interviewed several successful business owners to get their take on what works for taking a business global.  Barbara Roberts was one of them (see her latest report on entrepreneurship here). Before it was sold to Getty Images, FPG (Freelance Photographers Guild) International, the company that Roberts was formerly the president of, was already one of the largest stock photography companies. The company sold the rights to use its…
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7 Unexpected Reasons to Take Your Business Global

7 Unexpected Reasons to Take Your Business Global in 2020

Education, Exporting, Globalization, Readiness
Why should you take your business global?”  Here are seven unexpected reasons. 1. You can generate greater revenue for less effort. Sure it takes a long time to seal a deal internationally, but once you do, the revenues are typically far greater than on a domestic deal. For example, let’s say you market a crystal chandelier cleaner. When you ship an order locally to an independent lighting showroom retailer, it might be between four to six cases. If you ship…
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Blissfully Mistranslated Slogans, Posts and Signs From Around the World

Blissfully Mistranslated Slogans, Posts and Signs From Around the World

Web globalization (translation)
It’s the holiday season and a perfect time to bring lots of good cheer. What follows are blissfully mistranslated slogans, posts and signs from around the world. You won’t want to miss! What we can learn from this article is the importance of getting translation letter perfect. In the interim, we can have a good laugh at how good intentions can run afoul if we are not careful. In “40 Most Bloodcurdling Chinese Mistranslations Ever! Warning: You Will Laugh to Death!”…
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Escrow: Money Held By a Third Party in International Trade

Escrow: Money Held By a Third Party in International Trade

by Laurel J. Delaney Ready to export your goods? Don’t want the hassle of a letter of credit but want your cash upfront? Perhaps an escrow service is the answer. In this article, I examine what an escrow service is, how is it used in international trade and where can you turn for help on using an escrow service. What is an Escrow Service? Escrow services allow both exporters and importers to protect a transaction by placing funds in the…
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Exporting: The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably

10 FAQs About Laurel Delaney’s Book, “Exporting: The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably”

Books, Education, Exporting
Here are a few frequently asked questions about Laurel Delaney’s book, “Exporting: The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably.” 1. What’s your background? I am the founder and president of Chicago-based, a global marketing and consulting company that helps entrepreneurs and small businesses expand internationally. The company was established in 1985. In addition, we are the creator of The Global Small Business Blog, the No. 1 ranked blog for entrepreneurs and small-business owners interested in going global—established in 2004,…
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Export Credit Insurance Protects You Against Buyer Nonpayment

Export Credit Insurance Protects You Against Buyer Nonpayment

Finance, Insurance
As the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Exim Bank) recently reported, “businesses across the U.S. are doing what they can to maintain sales [during the COVID-19 outbreak], but relying upon receivables from customers in Europe, Asia or even South America may seem like a risky proposition. If you’re concerned that overseas customers may begin to slow-pay on receivables or, worse, go out of business, there are government-sponsored programs in place that can help.” Export Credit Insurance protects you from…
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Factors to Consider Before Sending Payments to Foreign Suppliers

Factors to Consider Before Sending Payments to Foreign Suppliers

by Laurel J. Delaney The most import thing to negotiate before closing on an import or export sale is how payment will be made. In this article, I examine factors to consider when choosing a payment method and I provide some options for how to send payments to foreign suppliers with minimal risk. As I discuss in “Exporting: The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably,” many circumstances and priorities will influence your choice of payment method. In the case of…
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Interview with Baybars by Laurel J. Delaney

Revisiting an Interview with Baybars Altuntas Because It Is Relevant to Our Times

Leadership, Success tips
An Interview With Baybars Altuntas, a Turkish Television Star, Global Entrepreneur and Best-Selling Author (originally published on the Import/Export website but they removed it so I am repeating it here because it is rich with insightful advice. I highlighted in red what is relevant and meaningful). How often do you get a chance to interview a star from the Turkish version of the television show “Dragons’ Den?” One in a hundred? Thousand? Million? In my case, it was the perfect combination…
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MacGyver Your First Export by Laurel J. Delaney

How to MacGyver Your First Export by Laurel J. Delaney

15 There are a million ways to get started in exporting and a zillion more online resources available to help you out.  But, there is no shortcut to exporting until this – all you ever need to get started.  And, of course, back it up with the book. Hope you find the white paper useful.  If so, pass it along. Read and download:  How to MacGyver Your First Export
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Using e-Commerce and Social Media Sites as Stepping Stones to Export Success

Using e-Commerce and Social Media Sites as Stepping Stones to Export Success

The following is an excerpt from Laurel’s book, “Exporting:  The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably.” Artist Gina Ayers Signore has been interested in art her whole life. She remembers drawing and painting when she was five years old. Today, she sells her artwork on her own Web site, Dahlia House Art Studio (, as well as on Etsy, Zazzle, and Is it a bad idea for Gina to sell her artwork on another company’s e-commerce platform that takes…
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How Companies Master the Quota System

How Companies Master the Quota System

China, Global supply chain, importing, Logistics, Manufacturers, Outsourcing, Regulations
Let’s take a journey together and go back in time on how companies dealt with import quotas. We’ll look at the article “The Great Quota Hustle” published in Forbes (2000) and then we’ll familiarize ourselves with the three sourcing companies profiled: Li & Fung, Connor and Esquel Group. Here you can glean lessons on how the big guys run their sourcing companies and come up with some new ideas on your own to better manage your supply chain. Interesting to…
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Covid Controls Tool

For Globetrotters Ready to Dust Off Their Passports

For those who are ready to dust off their passports (I’m not yet), the developers from Singapore’s MIT Senseable City Lab developed Escape, a price-driven flight-search engine. Now they’ve created something else as a result of pivoting during the global pandemic from, “Where can I afford to go?” to “Where am I ALLOWED to go?” You can find the tool here, Covid Controls Tool: The interactive map lets you plug in your country of origin to find the countries you can…
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Time-Tested Sympathy Expressions From Across the Globe

Time-Tested Sympathy Expressions From Across the Globe

Death caused by COVID-19 seems to be everywhere – crossing borders with no restrictions on movement.  You never know when you will be in a position to say the right words to a colleague, loved one or friend who has just lost someone to this dreadful disease. With these time-test expressions from across the globe, you’ll never find yourself at a loss for sympathetic words.  Source: Oprah Magazine, October, 2020, Ellen N. Gage Afghanistan May life be upon you. Egypt…
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Resources to Test and Play Around With During Thanksgiving

Resources to Test and Play Around With During Thanksgiving 2020

I trust everyone is gearing up for a Happy, Safe, Healthy and Memorable Thanksgiving.  This is certainly a time to count your blessings and be grateful for all the good  you have in your life.  I wrote a lot about what I am thankful for this year here and discussed what’s kept me going.  I feel lucky and blessed but that’s not what this blog post is about.  This blog post is about sharing a couple of new resources I’ve come…
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Laurel Delaney: 20 Tips for Going Global

Laurel Delaney: 20 Tips for Going Global

Exporting, Globalization
This article is one of my favs because it offers a shortcut to just about everything you need to know to take your business global.  It was originally written for and published by GoDaddy.  It starts like the following. “From choosing the right market to having a payment plan in place, this is your cheat sheet to growing a global business. If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me what it takes to go global, I’d be one rich…
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How to Evaluate Potential Overseas Distributors

How to Evaluate Potential Overseas Distributors

Distributors/wholesalers, Expansion, Scaling for global growth
by Laurel J. Delaney, excerpt from Exporting:  The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably A distributor or importing wholesaler buys products from you (the seller or exporter in this case) in large volumes, and then warehouses, distributes, and resells them to its customers. It also takes care of after-sales service. It is the most common first-tier buyer you will find when you start exporting and can offer the most efficient and profitable way to get your product to the consumer.…
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The 1-Hour Work Week: 15 Team Management Platforms to Get You There

The 1-Hour Work Week: 15 Team Management Platforms to Get You There

Human side, Workflow/team management
I’ve curated a list of 15 team management platforms for everyone to check out.  Use to your advantage.  The goal is to become more efficient.  Still working on trying to get to a 1-hour work week!  Not quite there yet. Monday ( Asana ( Smartsheet ( Harvest Forecast ( Zoho Projects ( PandaDoc for RFP/Proposals ( Calendly for appointments ( Wrike ( Egnyte for system storage and cloud access ( Slack for communication ( ClickUp for project management ( Ontraport for…
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4 tips for going global

4 Tips for Going Global

Exporting, Research, Resources, Uncategorized
Small businesses are poised to drive economic growth through international expansion.  Here are four tips to serve as your guide to going global. Don’t Go It Alone. There are plenty of organizations, such as the U.S. Commercial Service ( that have programs and services to help small business owners locate potential business partners such as buyers or distributors overseas. It’s also a good idea to explore new sources of financing from the Export-­Import Bank of the United States ( or the…
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Essential Components to an Export Sale by Laurel J. Delaney

Essential Components to an Export Sale

by Laurel J. Delaney How do you react to an email from a customer located thousands of miles away who wants to buy your product? To get the ball rolling every export sales transaction must contain information pertaining to product description, price, quantity and transportation, but within those confines lies a host of other details that can go wrong. The need for clear instructions on the terms used in negotiating the sales contract cannot be emphasized enough. Let’s take a…
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How Corruption Can Complicate Matters During a Pandemic

How Corruption Can Complicate Matters During a Pandemic

Covid-19, Global supply chain, Globalization, Logistics
The handling of the COVID-19 pandemic around the world perfectly illustrates the need for integrity in the management of crises.  When Transparency International released its Corruption Perceptions Index 2020 in January, it was evident how corruption can complicate matters during a pandemic. The report ranks 180 countries and territories by their perceived levels of public sector corruption based on input from experts and businesspeople.  Most countries still fail to tackle corruption effectively. The group offers the following recommendations: Mainstream anti-corruption policies Increase…
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8 Tips for Building Brand Awareness Around the World

8 Tips for Building Brand Awareness Around the World

by Laurel J. Delaney How do you let the world know about your product or service offering in a way that people from all over the world can find you? And once they find you, what do they think of your brand?  Below I provide 8 tips on how to manage your brand’s reputation to potential customers and export it the world over. 1. Develop a global mindset. You can’t do a good job exporting a brand – think along the lines…
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Create a Winning Social Media Strategy That Takes the World By Storm

Create a Winning Social Media Strategy That Takes the World By Storm

, Strategy
Here’s a primer on how to create a winning social media strategy that takes the world by storm. Before you begin your social media campaign:  What are your goals?  If you can’t answer that, stop here and go back to reviewing “How to Find International Customers Using Social Media.” You’re not ready for strategy. You are still in tactical digital media mode. Next, shift into high gear and jump into bare-bones blogging to updating information on your many other social…
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Exporting: The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably

In Pursuit of Exceptional Export Service

Books, Exporting, Service export
I love that title and it is a title I assigned to one of the chapters in my book, Exporting:  The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably.  What does it cover?  Well you will have to buy the book but here is a snippet from that chapter – 23: Exceptional Export Service Philosophies This chapter is devoted to a list of ten strategies I’ve come up with that have helped my business and my clients’ businesses achieve successful employee, customer, vendor,…
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Cater to a Global Audience

Cater to a Global Audience

Customers, E-commerce, Globalization, Web globalization (translation)
Ninety-five percent of the world’s population lives outside the United States. It’s hard to have a two-way communication if visitors don’t understand you. Plan accordingly, but don’t fret. Take it one step at a time so you don’t get overwhelmed.  Start with writing your Web site in one language and then expand based on interest and demand for your product and services. My colleague John Yunker, a leading expert on web and content globalization, says as more of the world’s…
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Happy Holidays from the Exporting Guide - 2021

Happy Holidays Exporting Guide Friends!

Warmest greetings of this festive season and best wishes for happiness, hope, love, good health and prosperity in 2022. – Laurel Delaney, author of “Exporting:  The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably” Photo courtesy:  Laurel J. Delaney, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2021
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Grow Beyond Borders in 2022

Grow Beyond Borders in 2022

Exporting, Scaling for global growth, Strategy
Happy New Year everyone!  And to start you off on the right footing, I’ve provided a cheat sheet to taking your business global.  This is one of my favorites because it covers everything you need to know in such a simplistic way. I’ve said this time and again:  If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me what it takes to go global, I’d be one rich woman. It’s not one thing that propels you to success. Rather,…
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Why You Should Scale Your Global Business by Laurel J. Delaney

Why You Should Scale Your Global Business by Laurel J. Delaney

Scaling for global growth
I prepared the presentation below for the American Express Grow Global event held in Chicago several years ago and it covers why you should scale your global business and how to overcome the two-market plateau in exports.  It’s a timeless piece and there have been more than 152,000 views of the 22-slide deck. One of the key slides states: “Create a real sense of urgency — a distinctive attitude and gut-level feeling that lead people to grab global opportunities, to make…
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Diversifying Sourcing Is Your Best Solution Right Now

Diversifying Sourcing Is Your Best Solution Right Now

Expansion, Global supply chain, Globalization, Outsourcing, Sourcing
According to a recent International Monetary Fund analysis, diversifying sourcing is a better solution right now to supply-chain woes.  Things can’t be resolved by re-shoring. Every day, millions of sailors, truck drivers, longshoremen, warehouse workers and delivery drivers keep mountains of goods moving into stores and homes to meet consumers’ increasing expectations of convenience. But this complex movement of goods underpinning the global economy is far more vulnerable than many imagined, says the WSJ, 4/13/22. The IMF says: Our analysis…
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How to Develop Best Export Pricing Strategies

How to Develop Best Export Pricing Strategies

Exporting, Finance, Pricing
Getting ready to export your product overseas? Should you price it at $5 or $7? How do you decide? Leif Holmvall, veteran exporter, author, consultant and coach on exporting, has a tip or two to share with us. Leif has more than 45 years of experience doing business in 100-plus countries with the focus on helping businesses expand internationally. What follows is an excerpt of an interview I conducted with him about 6 years ago (and worth republishing), which focuses…
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shock marketing

The Art of Shock Marketing

Books, Marketing
The art of shock marketing By Laurel J. Delaney Using traditional strategies for marketing a product or service overseas won’t always get the enthusiastic response you want. This article explains “shock marketing” — creative yet reliable strategies that demonstrate cultural and social sensitivity, gain customer confidence and respect, and generate steady sales. They offer valuable lessons to all who seek to do something different in order to get business from their customer. What if you woke up one morning and…
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Creative ways to save

12 Creative Ways to Save on Everyday Items

Education, Finance, Pricing, Resources
With record high inflation and prices shooting through the roof, here are a few ways to make your pennies go a little further. Pay with a credit card that gives you cash back. Try cash-back apps such as Ibotta and Rakuten Consider supermarket loyalty cards such as Safeway and Kroger that offer fuel discounts when you join their rewards programs. Save the planet by downloading an awareness waste app.  Too Good to Go is an example. Go vegan or vegetarian, which…
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Creating an International Online Marketing Plan

Marketing, Strategy
by Laurel J. Delaney If you want to export to more than a billion people who are interested in buying your product, it will most likely be accomplished through using search engines and other social media channels. You should put all the different marketing mediums to work simultaneously in a highly targeted yet seamless fashion. Diversification is best when you want to maximize resources and to increase online visibility. It will take time and effort, but the payoff will be…
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Lessons Learned From Mistakes That Happen in the Global Marketplace

China, Mistakes
Honey-Can-Do International Founder and chief executive officer Steve Greenspon shares a wonderful lesson learned on LinkedIn that I wish to share here so that everyone can benefit from his experience.  What follows is what he wrote. “Unfortunately, not everything goes perfectly in [global] business and the best solution is to fix it quickly and prevent it from occurring again. If you’re lucky, you can one day laugh about the situation.  Two of my favorite incidents were misprints on master cartons…
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Reimagine Globalization

Reimagine Globalization

Bob Sternfels, Partner at McKinsey Global Institute, offers five insights pertaining to resilience in our interconnected world: Start talking about diversification of trade rather than reduction or isolation of trade. To do this, we need to collaborate on standards and we need mechanisms to enforce them, not only on trade but on things like IP. Invest in talent; here’s where I (Sternfels) think the private sector can play a huge role to meet the needs for that 30 year mismatch that…
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Smartphone Apps That Help Global Travelers Overcome Language Barriers

Smartphone Apps That Help Global Travelers Overcome Language Barriers

When you travel internationally, wouldn’t it be nice for everyone to understand you?  Who hasn’t had an experience being in a foreign country where you ask for directions and are absolutely clueless on what someone has offered you as a solution? Someday, yes, someday there will be a time when understanding locals is as easy as brushing your teeth. For now, a WSJ reporter, R. T. Watson, culled through the most promising smartphone apps designed to help global travelers break…
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Stay clear of bribery trouble

Stay Clear of Bribery Trouble

Bribery, Distributors/wholesalers, Exporting, Mistakes
This is an old article but one that should be studied to appreciate what you shouldn’t do in the international marketplace. Back in 2021, Deutsche Bank agreed to pay $130 million largely to settle allegations that it violated laws against bribery by using middlemen and hiding its payments to them as part of a global effort to win business. Let me repeat the key part of what they did wrong:  They violated laws against bribery by using middlemen and hiding its…
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Scaling a Business for Global Growth

Scaling a Business For Global Growth

Scaling for global growth
I was told lately there is no secret sauce to scaling a business, particularly globally.  But there are tips you can apply to ensure your business model is in the ready state.  Here are ten. Make sure you are doing well (financially and operationally) in any market first – because that will ensure your processes and systems will test out soundly globally. Get good people on board – people who are smarter than you from different walks of life and know how to…
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Cross-cultural training

Cross-Cultural Training

If you truly value cultural literacy and want to learn more and leverage that knowledge as a competitive advantage for your firm, you might consider participating in or even creating your own cross-cultural training program. A good program will address the very deep issues of the different ways in which people live their lives and how they see the world. These programs offer best thinking and best practices on conducting business in different countries, modifying your own behavior, and working…
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Tools that can make your writing easier

8 Tools That Can Make Your Writing Easier

Apps, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Books, Education
As gospel music historian, author, and radio host Bob Marovich says, “A tool only [ChatGPT], not an excuse to cheat your way to success.” Different projects call for different tools.  Below we have gathered 8 writing tools that can take you from brainstorming to final editing on any project you are working on.   See which of the following belongs in your writing toolkit – maybe it’s all of these. ChatGPT – generate a first draft from using just a few words or a…
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Is It OK to Spend U.S. $12 on a Wedding Dress?

Is It OK to Spend U.S. $12 on a Wedding Dress?

E-commerce, Global supply chain, Globalization
What does buying a wedding dress have to do with exporting?  Plenty.  With globalization, we can pick and choose what we buy, from where, and how much we spend.  And when it comes to wedding dresses, they are becoming more like cars.  They depreciate as soon as they leave a store. Stillwhite, considered the world’s largest online wedding dress marketplace for new, used, preowned and sample wedding dresses, sells more than $1.7 million worth of dresses on its platform (as of…
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Magical and Memorable Bookstores to Visit Around the World

Magical and Memorable Bookstores to Visit Around the World

Cultural, Inspiration
Nice News has compiled some of the most unforgettable bookstores, spanning six continents (excluding Antarctica). A few double as coffee houses, others as bars and music venues. But all are filled with the special magic that only belongs to bookshops. Keep them bookmarked as Nice News says (pun intended) for your future travels and be sure to leave space in your suitcase for a new page-turner or two. Happy reading!
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You Don't Have To Be a Manufacturer to Export, You Can Export Services

You Don’t Have To Be a Manufacturer to Export, You Can Export Services

Digital, Service export
A recent article, “Services Go Global in Modern Economy,” published in The Wall Street Journal (8/7/23) and authored by The Outlook columnist Harriet Torry, discusses how the U.S. has long been the world leader in exports of services, including computer software and Hollywood movies, for example. I wrote about service exports in my book, Exporting:  The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably, Chapter 14 in 2nd edition.  And what I said is that you don’t have to be a manufacturer to export.  As you take…
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8th Annual Global Small Business Forum 10/20/23

8th Annual Global Small Business Forum Hosted in Chicago 10/20/23 (Virtual Option Available)

Event, Scaling for global growth
🌍 🌎 🌏 Ready.  Set.  Let’s take on the world 10/20/23! 🌍 🌎 🌏 Registration is OPEN for the 8th Annual Global Small Business Forum ( brought to you by lead sponsor Associated Bank and hosted by Foley Lardner.  Full disclosure:  I [Laurel Delaney] serve as the Director for the Forum.  We can’t wait to see you Friday, October 20 from 8:00 AM CT – 11:30 AM CT.  Fans, supporters and global enthusiasts have already signed up – because we are…
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AI Safety and Research Company Anthropic

AI Safety and Research Company Anthropic

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Look out ChatGPT.  Anthropic is the new kid on the block, and it is an AI safety and research company based in San Francisco, California.  Its interdisciplinary team has experience across ML, physics, policy and product. Together, they generate research and create reliable, beneficial AI systems. Anthropic’s work consists of: Constitutional AI:  Harmlessness from AI Feedback – Read Paper Core Views on AI Safety:  When, Why, What and How – Read More Charting a Path to AI Accountability – Read More…
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What Will It Take to Win the Digital Cold War?

What Will It Take to Win the Digital Cold War?

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digital
The United States and China are creating two separate spheres for technology, and artificial intelligence is on the front lines of this new “Digital Cold War.” If democracies want to succeed in this new era of “re-globalization” they will need to coordinate across governments and between the private and public sectors. AI is here and companies will need to pursue an agenda of responsible innovation, working outside of the usual technological silos.  We are at a fork in the road…
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Rethink Old Growth Models and Ensure Globalization Works For All

Rethink Old Growth Models and Ensure Globalization Works For All

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, World Trade Organization Director-General, has called on leaders and policy-makers to rethink old growth models and ensure globalization works for all. This message was conveyed during her participation in a session titled “No Recovery without Trade and Investment” (aka, “There’s better way to do globalization“) at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2024, Davos (as shown). “We need to think of globalization not in the way it was done before, but differently. And we need to make sure…
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Perplexity Shows What Is Possible

Perplexity Shows What Is Possible

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Are you deceiving or stepping out on Google by using any other search engine?  I rarely do but after reading Kevin Roose’s article in the New York Times, I’m going to give Perplexity a try.  Here’s why and here is what he said that convinced me. Perplexity:  The year-old search engine, whose founders previously worked in A.I. research at OpenAI and Meta, has quickly become one of the most buzzed-about products in the tech world. Tech insiders rave about it…
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Resources for Product Creators and Global Traders

Resources for Product Creators and Global Traders

Manufacturers, Resources, Sourcing
Six (6) interesting resources for businesses operating in the global marketplace.  Mainly for those who are sourcing and need help with product creation. TradeWheel:  Join the fastest growing B2B marketplace for wholesale activities and grow your business globally (at least that is what they claim). KYG Trade™:  Unify product attributes linked to import, export, and ESG attestations on a single platform. Share findings with vendors and customers. Makeitly:  Go for bright idea to Amazon best seller. Sourcify:  3,000+ vetted factories…
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Using AI Tools Can Help Shape Your Thinking

Using AI Tools Can Help Shape Your Thinking

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Resources
One can’t move fast enough to keep up with artificial intelligence (AI), but we can try.  Here are some of my favs. ChatGPT Google’s Gemini Nomi Perplexity Anthropic’s Claude Magnific When you experiment, you start to rely on one or two to speed up tasks. It’s a given that AI will have an impact on the more than 100 million knowledge workers in the U.S., not to mention the rest of the world.  Using the tools (above) helps you shape…
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American Express 2024 Global Travel Trends Report

American Express 2024 Global Travel Trends Report

Travel, Trends
When it comes to traveling, who doesn’t want to know what’s trending right now and why, especially before you leave?  For example, I have at least five friends who have visited Paris and a handful of others who have journeyed to Alaska.  Seems like quite a vast difference between the two destinations. The 2024 Global Travel Trends Report uncovers the driving forces behind why people are traveling right now. While the preferences and motivations of global travelers vary nationally, generationally,…
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10 Effective Ways to Leverage AI With a Global Business

10 Effective Ways to Leverage AI With a Global Business

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI is changing the way we work and should be used as a tool to augment human capabilities rather than replace them entirely.  Here are 10 effective ways to leverage AI with a global business. Facilitate risk management. AI can analyze large datasets to identify potential risks and fraudulent activities across global operations. This proactive approach helps businesses manage risks effectively in volatile international markets Optimize marketing and advertising.  Unlock the full potential of AI by gathering data, understanding patterns,…
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According to wegg® President Laurel Delaney, the World Is In Your Hands

According to wegg® President Laurel Delaney, the World Is In Your Hands

Exporting, Inspiration, Research, Women who export
According to the Centre for Economic Policy Research, only 51 percent of women-led businesses are importing or exporting, in comparison to 79 percent of male-led businesses. The Office of the United States Trade Representative, Executive Office of the President reports only 12 percent of the estimated 13 million women-owned businesses in the U.S export. Further, the White House Council on Women and Girls say that women-owned firms that export not only earn more, but also employ more people and are,…
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Make the world your customer base: 10 reasons

Make the World Your Customer Base: Ten Reasons to Go Global

Exporting, Globalization, Inspiration
Successful small business owners know how to master the transition from local to global. Why are so many jumping on the global bandwagon? Because it offers tremendous growth. Here are 10 reasons to prove it. 1. Increase sales and profitability Going global serves as a new source of revenue, yields greater returns on investments and predicts long-term success for a business. With the Internet, it makes it even easier to reach out to the world for business. 2. Enter new…
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Threats Galore by Trump on Tariffs, Trade Barriers and now BRICS

Threats Galore by Trump on Tariffs, Trade Barriers and BRICS

Exporting, Finance, Regulations, Tariffs, Trade agreements
In case you haven’t heard, the incoming Trump Administration is considering every imaginable threat to the world – from huge tariff increases, to new trade barriers to enacting BRIC (block of nine countries) tariffs, should the group decide to replace the US dollar. I’ve curated 7 important updates for you.  Some are better than others.  Check them all out to stay ahead of the game. BBC – US President-elect Donald Trump has threatened to impose 100% tariffs on a bloc…
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TikTok: A Global Dream Is At Risk

TikTok: A Global Dream Is At Risk

Digital, Regulations, Scaling for global growth,
I read with interest the recent article, “TikTok Founder’s Global Dream Is at Risk,” published in the 1/11/25 edition of The Wall Street Journal.  I agree with the author’s perspective, as the Supreme Court weighs a ban on the video-sharing app.  No one has more to lose than 41-year old Zhang Yiming, China’s richest person who is the founder of TikTok, and formerly CEO of ByteDance. Let’s face it.  Many of us work toward making a global dream come true…
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5 Key Reasons ChatGPT and Claude Stand Out as Top AI Platforms

5 Key Reasons ChatGPT and Claude Stand Out as Top AI Platforms

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Benefits
Looking to streamline operations, cut costs, and enhance customer experience? Look no further. Two indispensable tools, Open AI’s ChatGPT and Anthropic’s Claude, stand out as top AI platforms for global business owners.  Here’s why. 1. Versatile automation of tasks Both ChatGPT and Claude excel in automating a wide range of business processes. From customer service chatbots to automating emails, scheduling, and data analysis, these platforms can handle repetitive and time-consuming tasks, boosting productivity that will free up your time for…
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